forge a signature

美 [fɔːrdʒ ə ˈsɪɡnətʃər]英 [fɔːdʒ ə ˈsɪɡnətʃə(r)]
  • 伪造签名
forge a signatureforge a signature
  1. George was forced to forge a signature .


  2. Donald is force to forge a signature .


  3. It is shown that the attacker can forge a signature if and if he can solve the root extraction problem defined over braid groups .


  4. Many proposed digital signature scheme only put the focal point of security on both how to prevent signature receiver to forge a signature and control their verification ability .


  5. In this paper we show that the security of the signature scheme proposed in [ 4 ] is not based on two hard problems ( DLP and FP ) , we can forge a signature for an arbitrary message if only DLP is solved .


  6. Because PKG can compute the private key of any user in system , it can forge a blind signature or a proxy signature of any one .


  7. An adversary with infinite computing ability can forge a partial blind signature that can be verified , but it can be easily found .


  8. The results show that CA can forge a valid self-certified signature of his client on an arbitrary message by tampering with some parameters of the signature .


  9. A dishonest PKG could forge a valid partially blind signature .


  10. Both original signer and signature receiver can forge a valid proxy blind signature for any file .
